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Lost and Found

We live in a time when getting lost is almost as difficult as it is feared. Our cars, phones and watches keep a careful track of where we are, nudging us this way and that, connecting and diverting us all of the time. So perhaps it's unsurprising that when we're lost we're very often viscerally fearful.

The good news is that it really isn't easy to get lost.

Or is it?

Because here's the thing. We might know where we are 24/7 but you only have to hop on social media for two minutes to find more people who more feel lost than at any stage in history. In an age of knowing exactly where we are it seems that we're increasingly disorientated.

Something is up.

So, I thought this should become the first big theme of this blog. Lost and found.

The truth is that like the generations before us we spend far more of our lives lost than we (or our tech) ever admit, even on social media.

In fact, I'd go much further and say that it is essential to get lost to discover or create anything. It's only when we venture that we find. Being lost is something we should cherish and engage with.

It's not whether we get lost, it's how.

So this first blog is going to be all about experiences of getting lost from the big ones to the small, from the collective to the individual, and from the outside to the inside.

It's time to re-frame wandering off the path and see where it takes us...starting with an unchartered conversation right here. Destination tbc.

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